1989 5 dogwoods for L Powell, Bess Milhonen, Frances Erdahl, Marion Troxley, Muriel Steppe
March 20, 1992
The Arbor Day ceremony was held to honor past president and friend Connie Troutman. A beautiful tulip magnolia in full bloom was planted in Fletcher Park. No information as to where this tree was planted.
- March, 1995 – 2 magnolias, Fletcher Park for Glennie Freeman and Bessie Buck. No information as to where this tree was planted.
April 2005 – A scarlet Oak was planted for Annie Mae Horton (link to October Footprints treasure hunt for the pictures). We know approximately from pictures where it was planted
April 2007 Styrex japonicus ‘Emerald Pagoda’ - Japanese snowbell for Pat Olejar. The pictures show it wasplantedby a white house next to fletcher Foundation bldg., with retaining wall. Can see in Google maps…3d, pix dsc_0057 & 55
2008 – -to left of brick, 2-story building, facingwhite entrance porch
Golden Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia) for Julia Riley. See the directions and the pictures in Oct footprints #3. Pix dsc_0053
2010 – Fletcher Park(no pix) tree sheet and program forJackie Henry, Joan Little and Bessie Widenhouse (DSC-005-6). Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wildfire’ (Black Tupelo), Carpinus caroliniana (America hornbeam)
April 2012 – Fletcher Park – map arbor day/dsc_0079 marks places. In honor of Mabel Barbee ( Pin Oak), Mary Bode (White Oak), Muriel Roberts (Swamp White Oak), Elizabeth Uzzell(tulip poplar)-- with signs